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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Why Hot Girls Bring Up Their Ex

Hot girls broke up with their ex for a reason. When she brings him up with you, it is not so much about him specifically, as it is a warning to you that she getting closer to looking elsewhere to get her needs fulfilled. Ex is synonymous with other guys. Depending on how she describes her ex will give you an idea of what she needs that she is not getting. Hot girls can get an idea of the point where you begin to fall for her and they know how to put the brakes on it. Bringing up the ex puts her in a position that gives her the option to move in the direction of new guys while at the same time giving you another chance. Most of the time, hot girls want new guys in their life to be better than her previous guys. When she discusses her ex, it is a warning to you that she has new needs. 

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